Cyberbargins Height / Weight Chart

Weight range charts can help you decide whether you have a weight problem, but they don't tell the whole story. Some people weigh more than the chart shows, but their excess weight is primarily muscle. Overweight is only a problem if the excess pounds are fat. Are your excess pounds fat? Looking in the mirror or pinching a fold of skin at the back of your upper arm are quick tests. If you can pinch more than an inch, your excess weight probably comes from fat.
The following chart gives desirable Body Weight Ranges for Adults

Chart is based on USDA 

Height - Without Shoes
Men - Weight without cloths
Women - Weight without cloths
4'10" 92-121
4'11" 94-124
5' 98-127
5'1" 105-134 101-130
5'2" 108-137 104-134
5'3" 111-141 107-138
5'4" 114-145 110-142
5'5" 117-149 114-146
5'6" 121-154 118-150
5'7" 125-159 122-154
5'8" 129-163 126-159
5'9" 133-167 130-164
5'10" 137-172 134-169
5'11" 141-177
6' 145-182
6'1" 149-187
6'2" 153-192
6'3" 157-197

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